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Requesting reviews manually using a medical alert
Requesting reviews manually using a medical alert
Monique Clark avatar
Written by Monique Clark
Updated over 4 months ago

Medical Alerts are a powerful tagging system built right into Cliniko, that can be leveraged to automated all sorts of things. In this tutorial, we're going to show you how to request reviews from your 😁 happiest patients.

If you're using a Peptalkr feedback form to collect patient feedback, you're likely taking a fully automated approach by sending a feedback request after an appointment - and that's great!

But if you have a goal to collect reviews (whether that be on Google or somewhere else) sometimes it takes a little manual finessing to get the count of reviews you're aiming for.

We recommend keeping your automated feedback requests in place, but complimenting that system further with a manual (sort of) review request trigger.

Manually requesting reviews

When we say manual, the only manual part of it will be:

Adding a ReviewRequest medical alert to the patient's file - everything else is automated. Here's the steps:

Create an email

Head over to the Send Email tab and click Transactional.

Head to the Send Email tab and click Transactional.

Then click

Let's configure our email settings fields:

Name this email

Manual review request

Write a subject line

I have a small favour to ask

Who is it from

*Enter either your business name or the name of the treating practitioner [see now below]

Add recipients to a list

Do not add to a list

If you want this manually triggered recall to come from the treating practitioner you will need to create an email + trigger for each practitioner - each with a unique medial alert. This is because medical alert triggers don't have a practitioner associated to them by default.

Great - now click

From the Choose a starting point screen, let's go ahead and click Layouts and select the first email that comes up:

πŸ’‘ We're going to use a plain template, to make this email feel super person.

In the email builder, let's enter the following text into the body of the email:

Hi [patientfirstname]! Hope you're well, it was a pleasure seeing you last 😊

I have a tiny favour to ask you, we're working on building our Google Review profile, and wanted to see if you'd perhaps write one for us?

These reviews really help to spread the word about our business, we'd be so grateful. You can use the link below to go to ur review page - thank you in Advance!


*Enter your business name or the treating practitioner name

Now to tidy up, I'm going to delete the headline, the social media buttons in the footer and anything else we don't need (except the green button).

Now let's adjust the button text to say Yes, I'd be happy to

And let's link it straight to our review page.

To get your Google Review link follow these steps.

Finally, let's set the button colour, fonts and sizing as we please. You can add a logo if you like, or you could add your normal email signature to the bottom.

Perfect - now we have a very personal looking email:

Let's Save and Finish

Create a medical alert

Next, we need to create the Medical Alert that is going to send this email - so let's open Cliniko, and navigate to our dummy patient profile.

Haven't made a dummy patient file for Peptalkr yet? Follow these steps.

Let's add a new Medical Alert - I'm going to name mine 'ReviewRequest' but you can select any wording you like.

Make sure to write what this Medical Alert does in the Extra Information field of the Cliniko dummy patient file for future reference (and so other Practitioners can refer to it).

Create a trigger

Within about 5 minutes, the new medical alert we just added will appear in Peptalkr, so make sure you wait at least 5 minutes before continuing this step.

Head to the Triggers tab and press the plus button to create a new trigger.

Here's our trigger settings:


Manual review request


Automated recurring

Marketing type


Triggering event

Medical alert added to patient file


1 hour


From the Medical Alert filter, select your newly created Medical alert - in my case ReviewRequest


Once ever

Now just select the email you just created in the template step, and finish the trigger.

That's it! All that is left to do is a quick test, and you can turn it on. Now just add your medical alert to any patient whom you wish to send this email to at need 😊

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