Email deliverability varies for every user of Peptalkr as you can use your own sending domain to deliver email (e.g. emails would come from an email rather than - to learn more about using your own domain click here.
Whether you are using your own sending domain, or you send your Peptalkr emails from Peptalkr's domain - most of our users experience excellent deliverability - 98.9% of emails delivered successfully is the average across our user base.
The most common reason for emails not being delivered is the email addresses bounce due to the email address no longer existing - it's very rare that a recipient's email server will reject an email sent with Peptalkr due to our strict domain verification requirements.
What is a bounced email? Bounced emails are emails that could not be delivered. There are two types of bounces:
Soft bounce (a temporary issue such as a full mailbox)
Hard bounce (a permanent issue such as an email address no longer existing)
How is email deliverability affected
Your email deliverability can be impacted by:
Sending spammy email
Not providing a way of unsubscribing from marketing emails
Sending marketing emails as non-marketing emails
Contacting your database too often resulting in them reporting spam
Sending email from a domain that has a history of spam reports
It's worth noting that email deliverability can be affected by your sending domain's history - for example, if your domain (e.g. has been reported for spam a lot in the past, it can affect the deliverability of your emails permanently.
How to improve email deliverability
Maintain list hygiene (Peptalkr automatically cleans your list of 'hard bounces')
Using the active patient limit to limit your patient list to only include patients who have had an appointment within a given timeframe.
Fully verify your domain with Peptalkr
Get explicit consent from patients to opt them into your list
Make it really easy to unsubscribe
Avoid using URL shorteners in your links
Don't import people into your custom lists who you do not have marketing consent from
β You can check your email deliverability rate at any time by clicking the 'Transactional' tab for your transactional emails, or by clicking the 'Insights' tab for your Campaigns and Automations.