Customise your SMS with data specific to the recipient such as their name, appointment date, practitioner's name and more.
Just like Cliniko SMS, Peptalkr SMS content can also be customised with dynamic variables which allow you to insert data that is specific to the receiving patient.
How to insert variables
Go ahead and create an SMS from the Send SMS page of Peptalkr. Follow the steps until you get to the screen asking you what you'd like your SMS to say.
Underneath the box where you type your SMS, you'll see a dropdown of available variables. Make a selection and click to insert that variable into the SMS body, wherever your cursor it.
π Remember to ensure your variable has a space either side of the brackets so you don't end up with words touching each other.
β For example:
Your appointment with [practitioner] is on [appointmentstartdate] at [appointmentstarttime].
β Not:
Your appointment with[practitioner]is on[appointmentstartdate]at [appointmentstarttime].
What do the variables look like with data in them?
Refer to our complete list of variables right here (yes, they are the same variables as those used in Transactional email) for a visual of how they look when output into a real SMS.