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Engagement segments

Emailing patients who did or didn't engage with a Campaign or Automation you have sent

Monique Clark avatar
Written by Monique Clark
Updated over a week ago

πŸ’‘ Looking to send an email but only reach people who did or didn't engage with another marketing email you've seen?

This is where engagement segments come in handy.

Types of engagement segments

There are two kinds of engagement segments you can create:

  1. Specific campaign activity

  2. Specific automated journey activity

The types of engagement you can segment by including the following:

  • Opened the email

  • Did not open the email

  • Clicked a link in the email

  • Clicked a specific link in the email

  • Opened the email but did not click a link

  • Opened and clicked the email but did not click a specific link

Please note that engagement segments can only target emails in your campaigns and automated journeys - not your transactional emails.

We understand it would be cool to create transactional engagement segments - but this is not possible currently, we will update this article if it becomes possible.

How to create an engagement segment

  1. On the Send Email tab, go to Lists & Subscribers.

  2. Click the list you'd like to create the engagement segment within - e.g. your Patients list.

  3. On the left hand side - click Segments.

  4. Click

  5. In the first dropdown select either:

    • "Specific campaign activity" if you'd like to create your segment based on an email marketing campaign you have sent.

    • "Specific journey activity" if you'd like to create your segment based on an email marketing campaign you have sent.

  6. In the second dropdown select the campaign or automated journey step you'd like your segment to be based on.

  7. In the third dropdown select the type of engagement you'd like to target.

  8. Give your segment a logical name.

  9. Click Save.

πŸŽ‰You can now target this segment with an email campaign or automated journey.

πŸš€ To send your engagement segment a Campaign

  1. Create a new campaign.

  2. Fill in the usual details and build your email.

  3. In the 'To' field click 'Select Recipients'

  4. Tick the box next to your newly created engagement segment from the list (you can also exclude this particular segment by clicking 'Exclude' on the right hand side while hovering over the segment name.

♻️ To send your engagement segment an Automated Journey

There are two ways to target your segment with an automated journey:

  1. Trigger an automated journey based on whether a subscriber is in a segment.

  2. Send a step of your email journey to subscribers who are in a segment.

To trigger an automated journey:

  1. Create a new automated journey.

  2. Select 'Custom Journey'

  3. Give your journey a logical name

  4. Select 'Subscriber enters a segment'

  5. In the first dropdown - select the list relevant to this segment.

  6. In the second dropdown - select the segment you just created.

  7. Complete the steps of building out your automated journey and turn it on.

βœ… Now your new journey will trigger every time someone enters your engagement segment. It will not send to people already in the segment. This can only be done with a campaign.

To send a step of your journey:

  1. Open the automated journey you'd like to add this condition to.

  2. Select the email step you'd like to apply your condition to.

  3. On the left hand side in the step settings pane, scroll down to the checkbox 'Send to specific segments'

  4. Tick the box and select your segment from the dropdown that appears.

  5. Save your journey.

βœ… Now this step of your journey will only send to people in your engagement segment. If you'd like other subscribers to continue down a different journey path, be sure to add a 'condition' step instead - and set on path to target your segment, and the other path to not target your segment.

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