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🥒 Segmenting your Patient list
🥒 Segmenting your Patient list

Create groups of patients who share various attributes for marketing purposes

Monique Clark avatar
Written by Monique Clark
Updated over a week ago

This article is specific to your Patient email marketing list, not your non-marketing emails. Read this article to learn more.

Peptalkr syncs with your entire Cliniko database so that you can send accurate, timely email.

However, your email marketing list is separate from your entire Cliniko database.

The email marketing list only contains people who are opted in for email marketing - we call them 'subscribers'. They can opt out at any time.

To segment the marketing list so that you can send targeted Campaigns and Automated Journeys, follow these steps:

Step One: Navigate to the 'Patients' list

You can view and manage your marketing list by going to the Send Email tab then clicking on 'Lists & Subscribers' - look for the list named 'Patients' and click on it.

Why is my list so small?

When you first sign up, you may notice this list has only 250 people in it. That's because while you are in a free trial, we limit the size of the marketing list. Once you end the trial or move to a paid plan, you can then import more people.

Step Two: Check out your pre-built segments

Peptalkr automatically creates a number of segments for you - so definitely check these out before diving into to creating new segments.

Click on 'Segments' on the left hand menu:

Segments we have created for you automatically




Appointments - Has an upcoming

The 'Next Appointment' field has a value

Appointments - Has no upcoming

The 'Next Appointment' field is blank

Next App - 1st with anyone

The 'Next appointment type' field contains the words 'First' or 'Initial' or '1st'

If your initial appointment types do not contain the words 'First' or 'Initial' - you can edit this segment to instead:

Change 'Next Appointment' to 'is provided' and add another role by clicking and set 'Total Visits' to '0' - this way we are looking for people with 0 appointment history, but an upcoming appointment scheduled.

Patients - Loyal (More than 10 visits)

'Total visits' field is 10 or more

You can this segment and change the 'Total Visits' field to a more specific appointment category such as 'Total Chiropractic Visits' if you want to segment out patients loyal to a specific modality/category.


14 - 29 days

30 - 59 days

60 - 89 days

90 - 179 days

180 - 364 days

1-2 years

2+ years

The 'Last Appointment' field has a date that falls into one of these ranges.

Recalls/Reactivations are usually sent with Transactional emails, however, sometimes our users wish to narrow down who receives promotions, offers or other marketing content they include in their Campaigns or Automated Journeys.

So you've got some handy recall segments at your disposal should you need them!

🚨 Please do not edit the recall segments we have created for you. Their names and settings are inextricably linked to Peptalkr's core functions and they may stop working as expected if you edit them.

Step Three: build your own segments

Want to make more segments? Easy.

We have created loads of data points you can use to create segments. A list of those data points is below. Some common segments people create are:

  1. Patients of a specific business location if you have multiple 'Businesses' in your Cliniko account

  2. Patients who attend group appointments (e.g. Group Visits > 0)

  3. Female patients or male patients (e.g. Sex = Female)

But the possibilities are endless, and you can combine segmenting rules using the handy and/or buttons:

How to create a segment

To set up a new segment:

  1. Click Lists & subscribers, then select your Patient list.

  2. Click Segments in the left sidebar.

  3. Click Create a new segment in top right of screen

  4. Use the dropdown to select the data point your rule will be based on - 'Custom Fields' refer to your Cliniko-specific data points. You'll use this option most often.

After you've selected a custom field, you then need to apply a condition to it to create a rule. For example, the screenshot below shows the attribute "Gender" with the condition "matches exactly".

👉 Case sensitivity and spacing: The "matches exactly" condition is not case sensitive, meaning "male" is equivalent to "Male".

However, spaces and spelling matter! Any additional blank spaces or other spelling variations will not find a match in Cliniko, so ensure you enter the text exactly as it appears in Cliniko when it comes to things like Practitioner names, appointment types, medical alerts and so on.

Adding more layers to your rules

  • Use AND to connect rules when you want to group subscribers who match all of the rules in your segment.

  • Use OR to connect rules when you want to group subscribers who match any of the rules.

Using 'And' rules

You can add more rules on top of this. Simply click the 'and' button to add an additional rule. For example, you may want to create a Segment of all Male patients who have an upcoming appointment. That would look like this:

We use the 'is provided' condition in this instance. If we wanted to target all male patients with no upcoming appointment, we'd have selected the 'is not provided' condition.

Using 'Or' rules

Here's an example of using an 'or' rule to target patients who have EITHER the postcode 2570 or 2512:

There are many possibilities when it comes to segmentation. Feel free to chat to our team if you have any questions or would like some guidance.

Custom Fields you can use to create segments

Your custom fields (created automatically by Peptalkr) contain data we have synced in from Cliniko. These fields are updated with the freshest dataevery 5 minutes:

And if your business offers more than one appointment category (e.g Chiropractic, Remedial Massage, Phsyio etc) you'll also be able to create segments based on:

  • Last [category] practitioner

  • Primary [category] practitioner

  • Next [category] practitioner

  • Total [category] visits

For example, if you offer both Chiropractic and Physiotherapy - there will be 4 datapoints for each category such as 'Last Chiropractic Practitioner'. These are created automatically whenever you add a new treatment category in Cliniko.

Can I make more recall segments?

We have created 7, 14, 30, 60, 90 and 180 day intervals for you as well as 1 and 2 year recall segments. At this stage it is not possible to create your own but we have included more than enough for marketing purposes.

However - you can use Transactional email to send more specific recall/reactivation emails at any duration you select. We generally recommend using this transactional email tutorial for your reactivations/recalls, only use the marketing recall segments for sending offers/other marketing email to people who have not got an upcoming appointent.

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