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My trigger isn't sending to the people it should
My trigger isn't sending to the people it should
Updated over a week ago

If you've created a Transactional emaikl ortrigger but you're experiencing:

then here's how to troubleshoot your configuration.

Peptalkr's trigger configuration settings make triggers powerful - but it's important to select your filters carefully.

It's sending to some people it should, but not everyone

Let's say you have created a trigger targeting New Patients, but it's only sending to *some* new patients, not all of them. Here's the most common issues that cause this:

Check if you have...

The solution

applied the 'Sex' filter

Do not apply a sex filter in most cases, especially if you've selected both Male and Female.

This is because many of your Cliniko patients may not have a value set for Sex, meaning they won't receive this trigger as you've got the filters set to only target people who have it set.

Remove the sex filter to target all patients, irrespective of their 'Sex'.

applied a 'Business' filter

Only apply a business filter if you need to narrow down the business(es) this trigger targets. If you have one location, remove this filter.

If you have changed locations - check that you are targeting the correct locations.

Selected all of the relevant appointment types

We often see Cliniko accounts with multiple appointment types that have the exact same name - e.g. Initial Appointment - where one of them hasn't been selected in the filter settings.

Make sure you have selected all of your appointment types correctly.

Selected all of the relevant appointment categories

If your trigger is targeting certain appointment categories - double check them. If you've added more categories, changed category names etc. - you may need to make an update here.

Do not apply the category filter if you are wanting to select 'all' categories. Just leave it unselected and all categories are included by default.

It's not sending at all

If you've turned a trigger on and it's not sending anything - it's most often due to a filtering issue or a sending domain issue.

Check if you have...

The solution

Set a sending domain that is verified

In your transactional email template settings, which email address is the sender? You need to select a verified domain from the dropdown.

Applied filters

If you're using filters in your trigger - refer to the table above this one for the top 4 filter issues that cause a trigger not to send.

It's sending to the wrong people

If you've turned a trigger on and it's not sending anything - it's most often due to a filtering issue or a sending domain issue.

Check if you have...

The solution

Applied filters

Filters are recommended for most triggers - this is how you select exactly who should receive it. If too many people are receiving a triggered message - check that you have added filters to narrow down your audience.

Configured your filters correctly

If you are applying multiple filters, check this article to ensure you are layering your filters correctly.

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